Check in, work out, get paid.

Track workouts every month with Spots You, and we’ll reimburse your gym expenses when you reach your goal.

Log in with your account, and tap the + button once you're near a gym. That's it!

Get the app

Check in, work out, get paid.

Track workouts every month with Spots You, and we’ll reimburse your gym expenses when you reach your goal.

Log in with your account, and tap the + button once you're near a gym. That's it!

Since you asked...

  • jumprope icon

    How do I get reimbursed?

    The 8th time you work out in a month, Spots You automatically creates a Harvest expense for you. You’ll notice it when you go to submit your timesheet at the end of the week.

  • basketball icon

    Can I only check into gyms?

    No! If you want to record a workout at a yoga studio, ski resort, etc, there’s nothing stopping you.

  • tennis racquet icon

    If I don't use this app, can I still be reimbursed?

    Yes! Just enter a Harvest expense as usual.

  • free weights icon

    I found a bug! Who do I tell?

    You can report a bug in-app by two-finger swiping from right to left, and submitting the form. You can also report bugs directly by creating an issue on the GitHub project.

Who is Viget?

We’re a digital agency that creates award-winning products, experiences, and tools that inspire customers and advance businesses. View our services.

Spots You is made by Viget, for Viget, as a part of our ongoing commitment to employee wellness.

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